It took awhile but, we have been in the house for a month now!

I apologize for not updating sooner, but, we have been in the for a month plus 2 days. We got our belongingsĀ out of storage 1 day before the rent was due! Here are a few photos of the messy house plus some of our cookout.

Move in from storage!

A garage full of belongings
A garage full of belongings


The Kitchen

Eating area
Eating area
Stove and counters
Stove and counters


Living Room



My Office

Office Overview
Office Overview
Stereo Setup
Stereo Setup
A messy desk (My drafting table)
A messy desk (My drafting table)
Steeler Memorobilia
Steeler Memorobilia
Iron City & Jack
Iron City & Jack



A bit messy and a work in progress
A bit messy and a work in progress



Washer & Dryer
Washer & Dryer


The Housefront

It's where I now reside
It’s where I now reside


The Backyard Party

Cooking the Dinner
Cooking the Dinner
I had to get some extra room to sit out of the sun
I had to get some extra room to sit out of the sun
The Patio (with a roof over it!)
The Patio (with a roof over it!)


The Kids

The Middle Child
The Middle Child
The Young One
The Young One

Still more moving in to do!

There will be more later as we get moved in……….